My father used to say, "I can't wait to get old. For my mind to soften. For my memories rot away. The hardest thing to do is forget. Forget the scars life gives you. Forget the scars you gave others. The challenge, though, is hiding a few memories worth keeping from your dying mind."
He told me to keep a journal, and only write down the good things. Then when the bad things fade away, you can read about the happy life you had.
But minds don't forget so easy. When the horror that we witness and endure takes root, only madness and dementia can remove it.
• Mayor of Kingstown - 2021 ‧ Thriller
-How can I help?
How does anyone change that?
+One mind at the time; If you can change one mind, you can change the world. Education creates understanding, understanding creates love, love creates patience and patience creates unity...
[We are all responsible... I don't pretend to have the answers, but if we refuse to accept the lies, I believe one day the truth will be revealed.]
• Seberg - 2019 ‧ Drama/Drama ‧ 1h 36m
Mamie Till:
One month ago, I had a nice apartment in Chicago. I had a good job. I had a son.
When something happened to the Negroes in the South, I said, “well, that’s their business, not mine.” Now I know how wrong I was.
The lynching of my son has shown me that what happens to any of us, anywhere in the world, had better be the business of us all.
• Till - 2022 ‧ Drama/Historical drama ‧ 2h 10m - 2022
[دریافت] Emmett's Room – Abel Korzeniowski